Get professional cosmetics
from our Institute
from our Institute
Juliette Armand
Mary Cohr
Oil free, in foam form and vegan! A large range, including specialist products that are not altered by sweat for 8 hours and are waterproof!
Juliette Armand
Juliette Armand
Chronos Hydra Correct Cream
Corrective, anti-aging anti-wrinkle face cream. It promotes collagen production for firmer and brighter skin and restores cellular damage. Facial cream for intensive treatment against wrinkles occurring as a result of facial muscle contractions. It contains ingredients that help to immediately and visibly reduce wrinkles. Ideal for treating dullness and skin dehydration.
Η νέα επαναστατική φόρμουλα με ρετιναλδεύδη ήρθε να συμπληρώσει τα εργαστηριακά προϊόντα αντιγήρανσης!!!Το αποτέλεσμα: Λάμψη-σύσφιξη-αναδόμηση δέρματος-μείωση των γραμμών του προσώπου!!!!
Εργάζεται σε συνεργία με τους φυσικούς μηχανισμούς παραγωγής κολλαγόνου και της επιτάχυνσης του κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού!!!Επιπλέον ενισχύει σημαντικά τα επίπεδα υγρασίας!!! Θέλετε λαμπερή, νεανική επιδερμίδα;

Ενημερωθείτε για την CRYSTAL Medik8 από τους επαγγελματίες του χώρου μας και κάντε την δική σας!!!
Mary Cohr
Mary Cohr
Γαλλική παραφαρμακευτική μάρκα επαγγελματικών καλλυντικών χωρίς συντηρητικά, χωρίς χρωστικές, χωρίς μεταλλαγμένες ουσίες.Μεγάλη ποικιλία στις κρέμες περιποίησης, φίνα λεπτή υφή για άμεση απορρόφηση και πλούσια σύνθεση.Έχουν μεγάλη ικανότητα απορρόφησης σε βάθος.Διατίθενται μόνο σε ορισμένα ινστιτούτα.
Η Mary Cohr, στο Dammarie-Les-Lys της Γαλλίας, είναι μία από τις ελάχιστες εγκαταστάσεις παραγωγής καλλυντικών που έχουν πιστοποιηθεί με δύο ποιοτικά πρότυπα που παρέδωσε το Διεθνές Γραφείο Πιστοποίησης:
ISO 22716 Certification - Mary Cohr formulates and manufactures its products in accordance with precise, rigorous pharmaceutical standards. This certification, delivered by the International Certification Buraeu, guarantees high manufacturing standards: clean rooms, pure water that is continuously monitored, double weighing and the traceability of each product.
ISO 14001 Certification - ISO 14001 is based on continuous improvement of environmental performance by controlling the environmental impact resulting from the company's business. Mary Cohr's commitment is therefore twofold: continued progress and regulatory compliance.
You can have your own cosmetics for your professional care at home, through the wide variety of Mary Cohr's herbal products without preservatives and from specialist Aestheticians!!!
American sun creams of the large pharmaceutical company Neogen. Facial sun creams with an index of 50 that allow tanning (they are not sunblock). They are at the same time also moisturizing, however oil free. They can also be used close to eyes, without causing disturbances. They combine a very thin texture and high protection from the sun. They also circulate in compact form, tinted, with an index of 50 (in 3 shades). The body sunscreens have an index of 25 and 50 and are in spray form, without propellant gas.
Organic cosmetics with the certification of the Italian body ICEA. Fine organic cosmetics with a fine texture and rich in their compositions. They use advanced technology in their production.
Specialized and effective Benelica cosmetics distinguished by their uniqueness, which is based on the excellent quality of snail secretion and the use of more recent active molecules.
These cosmetics contain new generation active ingredients with immediate and visible results in the healing of acne scars and inflammations, irritated skin after laser, as well as in antiaging, moisturizing and nourishing healthy skin.
Imported from the Netherlands (ISO certified).
Great absorption capacity in depth, with a very fine texture. They are used during mesotherapy at the Salon as well as outside it.
Creams are 24-hour ones, for use on eyes, face and neck at the same time.
Peeling with various categories of fruit acids of the latest technology, with spectacular results.
Juliette Armand
Mary Cohr
Oil free, in foam form and vegan! A large range, including specialist products that are not altered by sweat for 8 hours and are waterproof!
Juliette Armand

Juliette Armand
Chronos Hydra Correct Cream
Corrective, anti-aging anti-wrinkle face cream. It promotes collagen production for firmer and brighter skin and restores cellular damage. Facial cream for intensive treatment against wrinkles occurring as a result of facial muscle contractions. It contains ingredients that help to immediately and visibly reduce wrinkles. Ideal for treating dullness and skin dehydration.
The new revolutionary formula with retinaldehyde has come to complement the laboratory anti-aging products!!! The result: Shine – tightening - skin reconstruction - reduction of facial lines!!!! It works in synergy with the natural mechanisms of collagen production and the acceleration of cell proliferation!!! It also significantly boosts moisture levels!!! Would you like your skin to be bright and youthful? Find out about CRYSTAL Medik8 from our professionals and make it yours!!!
Mary Cohr

Mary Cohr
French parapharmaceutical brand of professional cosmetics without preservatives, without dyes, without mutagenic substances. Wide variety of care creams, fine thin texture for immediate absorption and rich composition. They have a great deep absorption capacity. Available only in certain salons. Mary Cohr, in Dammarie-Les-Lys, France, is one of the few cosmetic production facilities certified with two quality standards delivered by the International Bureau:
ISO 22716 Certification - Mary Cohr formulates and manufactures its products in accordance with precise, rigorous pharmaceutical standards. This certification, delivered by the International Certification Buraeu, guarantees high manufacturing standards: clean rooms, pure water that is continuously monitored, double weighing and the traceability of each product.
ISO 14001 Certification - ISO 14001 is based on continuous improvement of environmental performance by controlling the environmental impact resulting from the company's business. Mary Cohr's commitment is therefore twofold: continued progress and regulatory compliance.
You can have your own cosmetics for your professional care at home, through the wide variety of Mary Cohr's herbal products without preservatives and from specialist Aestheticians!!!
American sun creams of the large pharmaceutical company Neogen. Facial sun creams with an index of 50 that allow tanning (they are not sunblock). They are at the same time also moisturizing, however oil free. They can also be used close to eyes, without causing disturbances. They combine a very thin texture and high protection from the sun. They also circulate in compact form, tinted, with an index of 50 (in 3 shades). The body sunscreens have an index of 25 and 50 and are in spray form, without propellant gas.

Organic cosmetics with the certification of the Italian body ICEA. Fine organic cosmetics with a fine texture and rich in their compositions. They use advanced technology in their production.

Εξειδικευμένα και αποτελεσματικά καλλυντικά Benelica που διακρίνονται για την μοναδικότητά τους, η οποία βασίζεται στην εξαιρετική ποιότητα του εκκρίματος του σαλιγκαριού και στη χρήση νεότερων δραστικών μορίων. Τα καλλυντικά αυτά περιέχουν δραστικά συστατικά νεότερης γενιάς με άμεσα και ορατά αποτελέσματα στην επούλωση των ουλών και των φλεγμονών της ακμής, του ερεθισμένου δέρματος μετά το Laser, καθώς και στην αντιγήρανση, ενυδάτωση και θρέψη του υγιούς δέρματος.

Εισάγονται από Ολλανδία (με πιστοποίηση ISO). Μεγάλη ικανότητα απορρόφησης σε βάθος, με πολύ λεπτή υφή. Χρησιμοποιούνται παράλληλα με τη μεσοθεραπεία στο Ινστιτούτο αλλά και χωρίς αυτή. Η κάθε κρέμα είναι 24ωρη, για χρήση σε μάτια, πρόσωπο και λαιμό ταυτόχρονα.